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tv   [untitled]  RT  August 30, 2010 11:03pm-11:33pm EDT

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that he's putting politics when merrick it's. my. welcome to the alone a show where you get the real headlines with not of the mercy or can live out of washington d.c. now hip hop and rap artists use their lyrics and their beats to send a message this past weekend a message the musicians need to return to their roots and protest to restore hip hop music to what it should be r t correspondent john hafiz will have that story and all eyes were also on d.c. this past weekend as glenn beck hosted his restoring honor rally he asked the crowd this weekend to turn this country back to god but what is not really me which god are we talking about we'll debate the place of religion in america today then archie correspondent preassure there will tell us how people in the wheezy emma were forced to hand over their guns during hurricane katrina so is this an example
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of martial law being enforced unlawfully or should police have the right to disarm civilians when they deem necessary then we'll speak with a colonel from the u.s. army reserve who wrote a scathing op ed on the bloated bureaucracy and the mindless reliance on power points in the war in afghanistan he has now been fired for sharing those thoughts so we will speak to the man himself to see what drove him to risk his job but now let's move on to our top story. while political rallies were taking center stage in d.c. this past weekend a concert taking place outside of the beltway was exploring how the direction of hip hop has taken a more corporate main street turn and last fall that's political barons artie's johanna half is was at the seventh annual rock the bells concert and has the following report. the i. was. in washington d.c. glenn beck's restoring honor rally was for those who were worried about america's
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future supporting the troops bravery and bring america back to a faith based society was integrity. the of. the of this event was attended by those who believe america has strayed away from its founding values whatever those values may be. but on the other side of town in columbia maryland the biggest names in mainstream and underground hip hop ignite a different debate one that has both social and political undertones to this discourse to see the second take the place at the graphic artist or to better take from it and see hip hop became a culture its roots were derived from the social issues that carried on through the civil rights and black nationalist movements of the like the sixty's and seventy's it was music with
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a message that was born in the editing right now hip hop will mean and i guess what it was made for to tell stories to tell about life that today that message that invited hip hop is dying to. be. in the data and i could if i don't. make the big artie sat down the street sweeper member tom morello who also made his mark as a guitarist for rage against the machine it's every day people who have their hands on the wheel of history. but you can't just wait and you know cast your ballot into the void every four years and cross your fingers and hope for the best that some magical president is going to sprinkle fairy doesn't make everything all right that's not how progressive radical or even revolutionary change has ever occurred street to remember boots riley was a radical activist growing up in oakland california he recalled how political movements in the one nine hundred sixty s. and seventy's shaped the music industry after all of that you get you know. progressive political music it's not going to happen if we don't have
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a movement now your teacher says rap mine a slice equals hip hop what does that mean i mean it's a game that means hip hop which i grew up to love this polluted with a lot of people making up stuff the true art form is lost and it's dying and we're here to save it why do you think it's dying because there are a lot of people trying to get money in concert goers that brought the bells insist were hip hop once mobilized and powered the black community rap quickly is destroying it you have to be honest about who's being taken advantage of an image to be a trade in the mainstream that image right now that is not possible because we're not in control of it we've got to get back roll up with hip hop tours like rock the bells don't fully aim to restore the values of hip hop no more than a glenn beck rally made any initiatives to restore america's honor but if this crowd is blaming corporations who is winning we need to rebuild america to have
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hospice our team at washington d.c. thank you very well johns joining me in the studio to give us more details on this rock the bells concer isn't necessarily what would you would call an underground festival here you know so was it just individual artists that are more underground or is the festival itself trying to to shift and move away from well i think in concert you can't necessarily have the underground people headline it and you know garner that kind of interest where that's why you had people acts like snow. dog a tribe called quest lauren hill kind of fill in the gaps there although they're not necessarily underground they're more mainstream they were definitely able to pick up the crowd say came for them however it was organized by a group by an organization called the really union so grill union if you look at the you know how you can break that down obviously there's some kind of political connotation to it and a lot of the underground hip hop artists they stoli were rapping or silly talking about political social economic issues that are plaguing minority communities such as the the economy recruitment into the u.s.
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army and a lot of you know issues that would have been addressed back in the eighty's with. public enemy that are really being glazed over today by today's rap industry now you spoke to some fans out there and they show that they weren't exactly happy with the direction that hip hop was going they felt that it was moving away from its original roots but you know who that who they blame is it just on the artists or is it on the corporations in the studios or a mixture of the two so yeah exactly it's a bit of both for the most part they feel very betrayed they feel as if the artists that are now you know contributing to this more mainstream kind of hip hop are selling out to the black community because in the beginning like i explore my package it was mainly it was a political tool it was a mobilization tool for black communities to get together to unify for solidarity work if you will and it really went from political messages of social justice and social change to now party music so when you think hip hop you think rap you think a lot of party tunes out the playing exactly and everything else like this so they
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blame those artists for giving in to the corporate industry that does want them to you know make money to get that kind of support and getting away from the roots of hip hop which was mainly social justice issues now when you were talking to tom morello a very big political names out there do they have anything to say about glenn beck's rally that he was holding in d.c. yeah they just see it as a backlash to what's been happening in the country so as you're seeing you know changing demographics in the. three whether it's from the line american perspective or possibly the you know so-called rise of islam in the united states they're seeing this as you know this clinging to the former ideals of this country so when you have someone like an african-american president and so you know ideas of socialism coming into play you see a lot of people cling to these ideas these this fear that they have that their identities slipping away and they just see it as a backlash for what the federal government failed to address two years ago now just very quickly i find it interesting because we have glenn beck's rally you know we
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have americans that want to take back america you have this concert you have artists that want to take back hip hop you know do you think that these kinds of venues are really the best place to get that message across to it would seem that way because a lot of people really honing in on messages from people like the moral technique and the street super show she'll club they like hearing things that they're suffering through brother or at least said you know personal messages bring on a universal level because people identify suffering from what they're hearing and that's what art is especially hip hop it was made for that purpose marjon thing so much to find interesting juxtaposition with glenn beck's rally on this concert going on we're taking a break but still to come glenn beck and his legions of fans did descend on washington over the weekend to quote restore honor to this country it will have a report on the events the drew masses to the capitol and glenn beck also decided that the way to restore that honor is for the u.s. to turn back to god so is this country undergoing
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a religious revival and is the u.s. really a christian nation we'll debate that issue next. sweltering temperatures long bus rides in large crowds and out of that stop tens of thousands of people mostly white americans from attending glenn beck's restoring honor rally this past weekend in washington d.c. but if his goal was to restore honor and bring all sorts of americans into the fold
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in the jury is still out on whether or not he succeeded and whether you honor the legacy of dr martin luther king jr by having speakers like his niece at the event or if he only dishonor that even further archie's cedric moon was there and he has the report. ask just about anyone in washington what you absolutely they go there unquestionably little bit silly rock have to do and will probably have three words for you and so evil that this is bad as it is founded in one thousand nine hundred fifty eight converted from an old silent movie theater it's where everybody. comes for a little gastronomical gilt chili dog as. a right but that has mortgages taken over i'm listening for about five bucks i got you can get a timeless classic serve with a side of history at a place that's a timeless classic itself it went bananas on you three i mean they burnt down
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everything you know riding moving. fire storm still come and go through this town although there are a bit friendlier now and on this day august twenty eighth. now remember that date a firebrand of a figure the radio host glenn beck whipped up his cult following. our say. hundreds of thousands who spilled off the reflecting pool in a rally called restoring honor restoring honor restoring honor i am here because i truly believe that one voice does make a difference this is all about taking back our country restoring it to the values that used to have a. law. but. this wasn't about politics so said the organizers of the rally but when you have someone like glenn beck it does become political and on this day perhaps politically
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incorrect ladies and gentlemen. it is my great great great honor and the problem isn't just the who is speaking it's also the where. and the when you are now buried. august twenty eighth hope you remember that date one day levin to grab a will not be called out about the speech that went something like this. it was a nation defining moment the demand for civil rights a time when there was a distinct call to bring the races together ah how about grief and glenn beck too many is far from being martin luther king their point is well mr beck is exactly you know racially we seem to have a racially divisive the. president was i have yeah i think they
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make their living off of race baiting re saying keep in the race is going to each other this is not a black and white issue no sir here is not a black and white issue no so there's a human issue. it's very spiteful and just very childish of him to do i can't imagine why he would choose a specific day in what seems to be a world away on an avenue called you street they call it the black broadway political correctness had a relapse ten years now what let's get after the opening of ben's chili bowl model the king with when he was assassinated nearly all the businesses around at the time were leveled looted or lit on fire by mobs angry about the assassination but they didn't touch miss temple at all through its five decades this little restaurant in washington saw how hard civility is to come by. and a day when an arguably divisive figure invokes the memory dr martin luther king
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child like faith of an arguably not divisive figure it's a reminder the more important word in the term civil rights might be the word civil settlement r. t. washington d.c. . now i took a walk to the lincoln memorial this saturday and i saw the tens of thousands of americans that showed up to listen to glenn beck speak i saw families that traveled long and far to come to their nation's capital that day average americans who clearly are concerned with what's happening in their country who feel like those in the government aren't listening to them don't care about them and who want something to be done about it i was happy to see how many americans are finally mobilizing and leaving apathy behind and then i got sad i got sad that a man like glenn beck was capitalizing on those feelings and on those concerns a man who is exploiting them to up his ratings to sell more books to sell those t.
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shirts that they were all wearing with the restoring honor logo on it they really believe that this is the kind of man that's going to restore honor it's the classic example of a well spoken man who knows just which heartstrings to pull just the right words to make people think that he cares about them but this is not a man that cares he's not planning to help you this is the kind of man that wants to whip people into a frenzy to scare them like he does daily on his show by throwing around words like socialism by using god's name to fulfill his own agenda this is someone that tells you what to think how to be and what to do and i'm not saying that from any political standpoint i'm just hoping that people wake up that they realize who they're listening to that they realize that this is someone who is so wrapped up in his own beliefs that he would be a member of his own cult he would worship himself if he could so i just have the
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people open their eyes before a madman like this tells them to rise up in violence and before they blindly follow . now because he wasn't allowed to make a political because the entire event was paid for by charity glam back instead of focused on god at his rally this weekend in fact he sounded more like a televangelist than a libertarian especially with the following line he said that america today begins to turn back to god for too long this country has wandered in darkness but that brings up the obvious question of which god america should turn to and the excising many of his followers eyes that is the christian god but just because so many americans are christians just because many of the founding fathers were does that make america a christian nation hasn't this been since its inception a country based upon a constitution and not on
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a religious gospel well joining me to discuss it from florida is dr jerry new come author of the book that made america how the bible formed our nation and from wisconsin down barker co-president of the freedom from religion foundation gentlemen thank you both for joining me now dr know if i want to start with you do you think that just because the majority of americans are christians that that makes america a christian nation no i think the foundation of america is what makes america having a unique way in which god is a key part of the founding of america and here's the the main point i want to make the declaration of independence is our national birth certificate the declaration of independence mentions god four times but most importantly says that god is the source of our rights the constitution eleven years later was signed in the year of our lord and was signed in the eleventh year of the declaration of independence the declaration is the why america exists we have god given rights and the constitution
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is the how to of those of those rights so those two key founding documents said that our nation is one nation under god and because it's one nation under god it's not up to the state to determine whether we have our rights. now dan do you agree with dr newcombe statement there. i'm the co-president of the freedom from religion foundation and we have at least sixteen thousand members nationwide representing tens of millions of atheists and agnostics who flatly disagree with these comments our country was founded on liberty our country was founded on a godless constitution and by the way the declaration does not mention christianity or jesus or doesn't even specify what kind of a deity was there and thomas jefferson as we all know who penned the declaration i do not believe in the god of the bible or the christian god our founding fathers
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explicitly in the first congress stated the united states of america is not in any sense founded on the christian religion it's true that many of the founders were believers but none of the founders were women none of them thought women should vote we are not obligated to day to go back to become carbon copies of the private religious views of some of our founders we are a crowley godless secular nation and much better off because our founders who wise enough to distance themselves from the divisiveness of the early colonies who used to persecute and exclude and banish those who did not have the right faith so so no american government was a godly nation it is not now and we are better off because of that can i respond to that i had ok first of all i don't agree with a lot of the points you made obviously but here's the point and the important point in a secular state that is based on a godless foundation as you had for example in the former soviet union which didn't
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work out too well tens of millions of people were killed in fact one convert to catholicism out of an atheistic actually marxist background this this couple used to be communist and he said when the soviet union finally collapsed they couldn't even deliver the goods they couldn't even feed the people what was left all that was left were tens of millions of corpses and in a. godless state there are no rights where is in a christian state christian context and because by the way america was founded as a christian nation people of all faiths or no faiths are welcome here but the foundation is still there and it's still that christian foundation i mean those are the facts of history and because of that we have rights and seen god given rights are non-negotiable as john f. kennedy once said the rights of man don't come from the generous hand of the state but from the generous hand of god and there's a huge difference but do you think that subtle out there might you know take what
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you might deem to be the good christian principles that make a free liberty loving country and try to twist them as an artist so that they can persecute other people as you know that when it's not. all through history that's exactly what has happened jerry's comments are completely irrelevant and a non sequitur if you don't use truth by stacking up the bodies that we do know christianity had also has a huge stack of bodies to it's very near it's what do you know it's like a fire i mean that's not i mean i'm sure human if you compare atheism versus christianity on the front of parenting plans on doing everything we can it's very sad like the crusades never happened i agree and those two million people that were killed in the crusades that's terrible and the thirty thousand people that were killed in the spanish inquisition that's terrible i've got in my office the big black book of communism published one thousand nine hundred six by harvard university press my goodness you're talking about one hundred million people if not more but do whatever i don't necessarily make it make it any worse i mean the fact that people are persecuted under the name of
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a specific religion so be bad enough yeah but what i'm saying to you is that it's it's under the godless regimes that more people have been killed because there is no higher appeal no higher source to appeal to in that case and by the way the context in which the declaration and the constitution were given when they talked about god they were talking. in a population that was ninety nine point eight percent professing christian so it's a given that we're talking about the christian god and that. that's true but they're also only four percent of them went to church they might have said they were crazy i think they were on the net it's just i know that he sometimes says well the literal translation is that look people couldn't go to church and yet george washington always went to church you know in virtually every circumstance he could every sunday he could despite road conditions and so forth exactly but also the founders own slaves none of them thought that slaves should be emancipated none
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of them thought women should vote they all had personal opinions that do not make the rest of us obligated to follow those opinions our daughter is usually based on are we the people we are based not on a god but i think you missed the principles that predated the ten commandments which are a very bad system of law we have risen above the primitive ideas of the old testament of the brutal ideas of jesus who talk about owning and beating slaves and his followers who obey him with relish the bible is the one who told us going to others as you would have them do unto you jesus is the one who said love your neighbor as yourself system at that we've always our ability to start i don't have any other so we have to wrap it up in one second but damn we ask you this question very quickly you know since this is a democracy if eighty percent of americans are politicians if people decided that they want to in states and national religion do you think that they should be able to. no because the constitution precludes that you can't do away with freedom of
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speech or freedom of the press or freedom of assembly freedom of religion is hard wired into our constitution and people like glenn beck do martin luther king jr a great disservice a man who preached against intolerance and divisiveness and here the christian right wants to go back to intolerance and to exclude those of us who do not believe in their particular god from full participation in the american experiment that is wrong we should resist that all right because of christianity the founders gave us freedom of religion not freedom from religion gentlemen i want to thank you very much for joining me and i think you know my feelings on glenn beck you just heard. it so to come on tonight show candidate for office is offering breast implants to women who gave to his town paint so i'll tell you that more about this unusual offer in just a moment and a shocking story about the way someone would go to trying to advance their careers let's just say that involves something that kim carr dashing in.
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every month we give you the future we'll do you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us for knowledge update on our g. everyone knows that these days it's harder than ever to get a job too many of those people who do have a job probably would love to have a better one but this study just might shock you a survey from the dating website you can do better dot com says that sixty four percent of young women said that they would release a sex tape if they would help advance their careers sixty four percent of the
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survey also show that forty five percent of women would sleep with a professor for a better grade and thirty six percent with black male a coworker to give their career boost these sound like some very career driven women to say the least and who said that women would do whatever it takes but i do have a few questions that i want to raise about the survey first of all how many of these women would really do a sex tape and sure lots of ladies say that they'll do it but i can guarantee that most of them would probably chicken out before the camera gets turned on now we also have to disclose disclose that this survey always comes from people who are members of the dating site which is only about twenty eight hundred so clearly further surveying is necessary because i have a feeling that these girls might have been saying it just to get a date and who are they going to release the sex tape to their boss when it's one thing when a celebrity tape hits the web but no name those things are a dime a dozen so i suggest that women think before making that tape and hopes it will
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save their career it's and your dignity might just get a lost in the thousands and millions of porn sites that are out there but hey to each her own. and talking about people doing unusual things to get ahead and check out this political candidate and that is whalen gustava is running as an alternate to the national assembly and anybody who donates to his campaign is automatically enrolled in a raffle and you'll never guess what the prizes breast implants you can pay six dollars for a chance to win a new rock and roll house will be making money for his campaign all the same time now the venezuelan candidate says that his raffles no different than any other town paper or a grand prize would normally be a t.v. or phone he's just offering something that people would actually want now as many people know residents of south america are hesitant to go under the knife for cosmetic surgery countries like venezuela are filed filled excuse me with image
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conscious women and in a recent study up to thirty thousand females said that they've had their breasts enlarged in that country along so this a win win for everyone you know i have to give rojas credit for his idea sure some people might be turning heads but i guarantee you that he is definitely going to get a lot of donations for this campaign. and we're taking a break but still to come new orleans five years after hurricane katrina hit during the height of the storm police in the big easy took guns away from their residence so we'll have a report on that issue and we'll look at other examples in the u.s. and ask if we might be getting closer to living in a police state all that in just a moment.
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to terror crackdown in russia's north pole and sometimes a fight with security forces saying that the sensibilities of the past month including made it was. so twelve terrorists and five security officers died out you can't come from a tunnel diode but if you're the president approaches chechen republic on the side of the road. then you that munch into new york's ethnic divide this make it more than say that they have to find operate in america is seeking to join in the mounting tensions of the recent uptick doesn't touch on his opponent that students . and i know that people have done it and to have been severely injured in a car at a central russian nursing home an eighty six year old resident in the second cell phone lines until night is suspected of causing the blaze while president medvedev has wanted a senate investigation to help the victims that's the headlines on let's go back to their show.


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